Step 1 : Download the php mailer zip file using the link.Step 2 : Once downloaded, unzip and extract
More...Step 1: Initially, open the 'Terminal or Putty'.How to Login into SSH using Terminal?
More...How to authenticate the mail in ASP.NET?First, create a file named test.aspx and insert the below mentioned code.
More...What is the email server name to be used in ASPX Coding?The mail server name used in ASPX coding is domain name.SmtpClient
More...Use the below mentioned code in 'Section Group' of the web.config file to declare a section group and declare sections within a section group.Code:
More...Use the below displayed code for JDBC MYSQL connection string. JDBC Connection:String url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/myDBname?user=username&password=password;