FAQ/ Domain/ domain-pricing

Questions on Domain

9 questions available

Can i have domain name free in Combo Offer?

Domain name registrations are not provided for free. At the same time, if the Combo packages are purchased, Domain registration is provided free with the Hosting space purchase. Combo Offers are available

How long domain can be renewed with normal price ?

A domain should be renewed before its expiration date. If the domain expires, you can still renew it after the expiration date for a certain grace period. TLS's like .com, .in will have the  renewal

how much does domain name cost?

The Domain Name Registration cost differs based on domain extension chosen.  Domains can also be availed with promotional pricing whenever offers are provided.

Domain .in costs Rs 99 initially, but why it need to be paid Rs 560 for 2nd year?

Domain .in costs Rs 99 initially, but why it need to be paid Rs 560 for 2nd year?There is a huge difference in the price amount because initially the domain.in comes with the special promo offer. So the

How much will it cost to enable privacy protection for a domain?

The Privacy Protect is an option which enables you to hide your profile from the Whois Record. This restricts others from viewing your details of the site registered and your contact details. Use this link to

Where can I view the price list of domain?

Where can I view the price list of domain?To view the price list of the entire domains offered by Hiox India, click Price link.There is another method available to get the details of domain price list.Open

If I buy bulk domains, can I get discount for it?

If I buy bulk domains, can I get discount for it?Yes, you can get discount for the purchase of more number of domains at once.Note that only when the limit of your total purchase exceeds Rs 7500, you will

Why the renewal charge for a domain costs higher than its original rate?

Why the renewal charge for a domain costs higher than its original rate?The renewal charge for a domain costs higher than its original rate because the domain was provided at a promotional rate. In order

Will there be any raise in price of both domain amp hosting packages?

Will there be any raise in price of both domain & hosting packages?Yes, definitely there will be change in the price level. Note that the price of both domain and hosting are subject to change at any point
