Frequently Asked Question

FAQ / Linux Shared Hosting

How to blacklist/whitelist an email account in cpanel?

The following steps needs to follow for doing blacklist/whitelist an email account in cPanel

Step 1: Login into cPanel.

Step 2: In the search box, type as Spam Filter and hit enter. Click the Spam Filter icon shown to you.

Step 3: You will be directed to Spam Filter page. Ensure that slider next to Process New Emails and Mark them as Spam is enabled

Step 4: Scroll down and click on Show Additional Configuration.

Step 5: The menu will expand. Here, click on either Edit Spam Whitelist Settings or Edit Spam Blacklist Settings as per your need.

Step 6: Incase, in the previous step, if you have clicked Edit Spam Whitelist settings, then you will be directed to Spam Whitelist settings page. Here, click on Add A New Whitelist_from Item.

Step 7: Enter the domain name or mai id you wish to Whitelist and click on Update Whitelist (whitelist_from).

Step 8: You have successfully updated your Whitelist preferene.

To Add Blacklist:

Step 9: Incase, in the step 5, if you have clicked Edit Spam Blacklist settings, then you will be directed to Spam Blacklist settings page. Here, click on Add A New Blacklist_from Item.

Step 10: Enter the domain name or mai id you wish to Blacklist and click on Update Whitelist (whitelist_from).

Step 11: You have successfully updated your Blacklist preference.

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