Frequently Asked Question

FAQ / Domain

How to add NS Records in Managed DNS?

How to add NS Records in Managed DNS?

Follow the below steps to create NS Records.

Step 1: Open Hioxindia site.

Step 2: Login to your Client Login account.

Step 3: Goto Orders -> My Invoices

Step 4: Find the invoice of domain which you want to target to your IP and click on Manage DNS.

Step 5: Click on Update Default Nameservers to enable the 'Manage DNS'.

Step 6: Once updated, click the Manage DNS button.

Step 8: Choose the tab 'NS' and click on Add NS Record.

Step 9: Now enter the values in the fields of 'Zone, Value and TTL' and click on Add (NS Record) button.

Step 10: Now, you have successfully added your NS record.

Note: The propagation period may take upto 24 hours. Only after when the propagation period comes to an end, the NS records will have an effect.

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