Frequently Asked Question

FAQ / General

How to fetch mail using Mozilla thunderbird?


First Install the Thunderbird from Mozilla Thunderbird. After installing proceed with the following steps to fetch the mail locally:

Step 1:Once you have opened it, it will ask for New Account Setup. By default the account type will be selected as Email Account, Click next to continue.

Step 2:Then it will ask for identity, enter your name and your email address for which you want to fetch the mails. Click Next.

Step 3:Fill the server information details, Choose the type as POP, Incoming server as say that your mail id is, then enter your incoming server as, disable the check box for Use Global Inbox, in order to fetch the mail account separately in its own directory.
Enter the outgoing server as same in the incoming server as Then click Next.

Step 4:It will ask for the username, By default the username will be filled from the email account you have provided, change the Incoming username as your full email id and click next.

Step 5:The account name will be listed by default as the email id. If needed you can change it for your convenient as home account, Work account as such.

Step 6:The final account wizard will appear to ask the confirmation, click finish to end the setup.

Now you can fetch your mails.

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