Frequently Asked Question

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How to assign different roles for Wordpress users?

The WordPress user system controls what users can and cannot do on your website. This includes administrative tasks, writing content, approving content, plugin and theme management etc., User Role Editor requires WordPress 4.0 or newer. If you have lower version then upgrade it to latest one to use this editor. There are five roles associated with WordPress.

The five default user roles are:

Administrator He has access to all administrative options and features in website.
Editor He can manage and publish posts in site. Moreover editors review posts submitted by contributors and then schedule them for review.
Author He can publish their own posts over there in site at anytime.
Contributor He can write posts but cannot publish them. he need to submit their posts for review. After review only,posts will be published in site.
Subscriber He has only basic functionality such as changing their profile and leaving comments in website.

User Role Editor :

User Role Editor can be installed either directly through wordpress dashboard by searching plugin (or) Download User Role Editor by using this link and then upload plugin through dashboard and install it. Once complete installation, click Activate Plugin to activate it.

Once you activated plugin,you will find User Role Editor Under User menu.

To change permissions for a user roles, check or uncheck the field for that capabilities. All capabilities can be enabled or disabled using the buttons at the right side of the page.

New roles and capabilities can be added and deleted through the main User Role Editor page.
If you are adding new user role on basing of existing user role (e.g. contributor), you can choose to copy permissions from that role. This saves you from having to enable all capabilities again to that new user.

You can add the new user to site with User Role capabilities. User -->Add New User. So you can restrict and allow users can and cannot do on your website by assign User Role.

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