Frequently Asked Question

FAQ / Windows Shared Hosting

How to upload files using Microsoft Publisher?

You can upload your files using Microsoft Publisher by following these steps:

Step 1: Open the Microsoft Publisher window, go to the file menu and then select Publish to the Web.

Step 2: A dialog box will appear, click Ok.

Step 3: Then Publish to the Web dialog box will appear, click Publish to Web.

Step 4: The Publish to the Webpage will be opened, choose the option FTP Locations.

Step 5: Double click the Add/Modify FTP Locations, a new dialog box will appear.

Step 6: There enter the name of the site. Click the user option and give the user name(eg: and password, then click Ok.

Step 7: You site FTP will be seen in the dialog box. Double click the folder, choose the Public_html and save the file.

Step 8: The file will be uploaded.

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