Login to WHM In order to use Web Host Manager to manage your resold users or create new accounts, first you'll need to logon.If your account is brand
More...WebHostManager (WHM)WebHost Manager is your reseller control center. WHM is used to set up and manage accounts, monitor bandwidth and services, and keep
More...The following steps to be followed for increasing disk space for the domain hosted under linux reseller hosting,Step 1: Login into WHM panel
More...The below given tutorial will help you with the step by step procedures to change a domain name in WHM Panel.
More...Controlling spam mails by enabling RBL in reseller accounts?To limit the spam mails in a reseller account, try the following.Step 1: First, login
More...Possible reason could be that the account would exceed the Bandwidth Limit and it would be auto suspended.Solution:You should upgrade your Domain to next Highest Hosting Package.Send your
More...No, the whm panel will not be provided with linux hosting plan. Purchase a Linux Reseller Package to get the WHM
More...Use 'WHM' panel to manage and control the domains of your clients. Use this link to know how to login to WHM.
More...Follow the below steps to modify the WHM password.Note: Only VPS customers can change the WHM password.Step
More...After getting your desired web hosting package, you will be provided with a managing tool to control or administer your hosting service.