Important Note: Transferring your Domain Name to HIOX INDIA will add 1 more year to your current expiry date.
More...Check if your Domain Name can be Transferred1. Domain name is less than 60 days Old - If the domain name you are trying to Transfer
More...Transferring your Domain Name from another registrar to HIOX INDIA?Note: Transferring your Domain Name will add one year to its current expiry date. You
More...These are the step by step process involved in domain transferStep 1: Transfer Request You request or order for a domain name
More...Domain Transfer means changing the domain Registrar. commonly known transfer process of domain between two registrars.Our system
More...I have made payment for domain transfer. What is the next process?After making the payment for domain transfer, check your mail inbox. You would have
More...Should I pay to transfer a domain?Customer can do the domain transfer process at free of cost with Hiox India. But customer must compulsorily renew the
More...Follow the below steps to transfer your domain name,Step 1: Open HioxIndia site.Step 2: Go to
More...What are the two types of transfer available?Normally there are two kinds of transfers are available. The first one is simply changing the hosting server.
More...What happens if the losing registrar of a domain haven't confirmed the transfer?Domain transfer will get cancelled in case the losing registrar of a
More...I paid for domain transfer. But in client login, the payment history is blank?Generally the transaction details will be added to Client
More...What is meant by EPP code?It is the authorization code for a domain name. It is also referred as Extensible Provisioning Protocol or Domain Authorization
More...What is the purpose of the domain transfer approve link?The link helps in the transfer process of a domain between two registrars. It will have no effect
More...How many years of renewal are offered with a domain transfer?In general, you will get 1 year renewal along with domain transfer. You can view the details
More...When the domain transfer process will be cancelled?If the domain transfer process was initiated earlier and if we (service provider) haven't received
More...How can I transfer my domain from BigRock to Hiox India?The process for domain transfering from any service
More...How to transfer a domain from Crazydomains to Hiox India?The procedure to transfer domain from any service
More...Is there any offers available for a domain transfer?There is no offer for the transfer of a domain. Generally when a domain is transferred, it will be