How to change name server for a domain?Use this Name Server Change to gather
More...Domain name is website name and hosting is server space where website's files uploaded.Ensure that you have mapped the domain name with hosting server by updating the name server in hioxindia
More...The Name Servers once updated will take a time period of 5-24 hours to propagate in all ISP's. Once domain got propagated and points to the hosting server, it will run up and fine.
More...Follow the steps given below for update / change your name server details in domain:Step 1: Go to and
More...How much it will cost to update the name servers?No, there is no cost required for updating the 'Name Servers'. Customer can login to their Client
More...It is not necessary to buy both the domain and hosting from a single service provider. You can purchase domain name from a provider and the hosting space from another. After that you have to update the
More...What are Child name servers?Child Name Servers are generally called as the 'Secondary Name Servers'. These are also the name
More...A name server translates domain names into IP addresses. This makes it possible for a user to access a website by typing in the domain name instead of the website's actual IP address.Each
More...I bought domain from another company. Will you help me to change the name servers?No, we cannot change the name server of the domain purchased from another
More...How to set up private name servers?When you have both domain and hosting with Hioxindia, then1) You have to buy a Static IP with Hioxindia
More...What is meant by bind?Bind can also be termed as 'Named'. It is one among the highly used 'DNS Software' by the users. It was developed by the
More...Once you make payment for domain and hosting in HioxIndia, the below processes will take place.1) You will receive a mail from us confirming the successful registration of your Domain name.2)
More...I don't have name server but have IP. So how can I point my domains to a particular IP?To point your domains to a particular IP address you must enable
More...Why my site shows as Page not found?If you haven't update your nameserver details properly, you might receive 404 - Page Not Found when you try to access
More...Where can I find the name server details?You can find the 'Name Server' information in the setup email itself. The setup mail is provided to you at the
More...In such scenario, you can use the name servers provided by your hosting service provider.